High Performance
1. 短時間処理 平均8時間
1. On an average of 8 hours to complete the processing
BUIK Bacteria increases the speed of biodegrading process of the organic waste.
2. 高温処理により除菌効果
2. BUIK bacteria becomes most active at the temperature of 70-80C.
High temperature disinfects known germs in the waste, thus the finished products can be used as fertilizer and feedstock additives.
3. 悪臭コントロール
3. Odor
BUIK Model can process the organic waste on an average of 8 hours. This allows the organic waste to be processed on the same day without leaving any of them unprocessed for the day.
4. 食品残渣処理コスト軽減
4. Cost
BUIK Model may reduce the cost of processing organic waste( tipping fee and labor cost). Please consult for detailed quotation.
5. サイズ使用量オーダーメイド可能
5. Customize the BUIK Model
We customize the size of BUIK model based on your needs and your facility. Please consult for more details.
High Quality Finished Product
1. 農業—肥料
- 有機肥料として使えます。—野菜作りに欠かせない質の良い有機土壌を10−21日で完成させます。
- 連作を可能にします。—BUIK肥料は作物に良いだけでなく土壌にも働きかけるため、収穫ごとに土を長期間休ませる必要はありません。
- 収穫量が増えるーBUIK肥料を使用しますと化学肥料と比べて収穫量が増えていることが報告されています。
- 野菜の成長が向上する。—BUIK肥料を使うと野菜がより大きく育ち、味も向上することが報告されています
1. Agriculture—Fertilizer
- Organic Fertilizer – BUIK bacteria works well with the existing bacteria in soil, vitalize and prepare the soil for the next harvest in 10-21 days.
- Consequtive harvest—BUIK organic fertilizer continues to vitalize the soil, which allows the soil to harvest the next crop without resting the soil for a long period of time.
- Increase HarvestーIt has been reported that the use of BUIK organic fertilizer increases the harvest compare to other conventional fertilizers
- High quality crop – BUIK organic fertilizer vitalizes the soil which helps the soil to grow the higher quality vegetables, fruit and crops.
2. 養殖業—エサ
- 抗生物質が要らなくなりますーBUIK菌で分解された生成物を飼料に添加すると魚の免疫力が上がり抗生物質の投与が必要なくなります。
- 水質が改善されますー養殖魚のフンに残されたBUIK菌が、養殖ならではの水の汚れを分解し、水質を改善します。
2. Aquaculture
- Antibiotics not necessary —BUIK Feedstock additives improves the immune system of fish, thus requiring a little to none antibiotic treatment.
- Improve the Aquaculture environment—Remaining BUIK bacteria from the fish discharge breaks down the turbidity of the water caused by the previous habitation and cleans the water environment.
3. 家畜業—エサ
- 抗生物質が要らなくなりますーBUIK菌で分解された生成物を飼料に添加すると家畜の免疫力が上がり抗生物質の投与が必要なくなります。
- 消臭効果がありますー鶏の飼料に添加しますと鶏舎の悪臭が軽減していきます。
3. Livestock—Feedstock
- Antibiotic not necessary—BUIK Feedstock additives improves the immune system of livestock, thus requiring a little to none antibiotic treatment.
- Lessen the odor from the livestock house